This collective of Japanese Bijutsu includes KODOGU of Robert E. Haynes & Elliott D. Long.

Tosogu: fittings, i.e.: tsuba, and kodogu which is/are: menuki, fuchi/kashira, kozuka, and kogai.

If you would like to know more about any items on this website, or if you are considering a purchase, please send Elliott and Robert an E-MAIL ( ), asking us any questions you have or what pieces interest you.

NOTE: All sword fittings (excluding Tsuba) have 'RANK'.

The MENUKI have first (1st) rank.
The KOGAI have second (2nd) rank.
The KOTZUKA have third (3rd) rank.
The FUCHI KASHIRA have fourth (4th) rank.
Fine KOSHIRAE available.

KIJI Menuki

Provenance: Elliott Long
"Exhibited here are menuki of two kiji (pheasant) fabricated in deep-black shakudo. The menuki are carved in a technique known as Katachi-bori, the subject itself becomes the outline of the menuki. Surface carving and finishing is applied from the front, and in this case is very deep, providing these menuki with exceptional definition and relief. There are gold highlites on the tail feathers and the eye of each pheasant.
As can be seen here with this set of kiji menuki, his attention to detail and workmanship is at a high level and full of dignity as is his personality. The chisel-marks are somewhat deep, clear, and strong. His designs suggest the feeling experienced when observing from a lofty riverside dwelling." (Long)

Provenance: Elliott Long
"Exhibited here are menuki based on the ceiling painting. They are turtles with their front paws and heads sticking out sharply, and their glaring gaze is characteristic from the front. The material is shakudo and silver used separately, and fine gold and silver inlay is applied. The tortoise shell, scales, and head are also three-dimensionally carved. The workmanship and the attention to detail is at a high level and full of dignity. The chisel-marks are somewhat deep, clear, and strong." (Long)

Provenance: Elliott Long
"Featured here are two plain copper menuki with a two-legged dragon design, inscribed "Goto Mitsutada". His attention to detail and workmanship is at a high level and full of dignity as is his personality. This is a stunning masterpiece set of menuki with a beautifully colored plain copper base and a two-legged dragon design, beautifully crafted. The menuki are carved in a technique known as Katachi-bori, the subject itself becomes the outline of the menuki. Surface carving and finishing is applied from the front, and in this case is very deep, providing these menuki with exceptional definition and relief." (Long)

EZO Menuki
Provenance: Elliott Long
"Excellent set of Ezo menuki with a blossom motif. Executed in an alloy called rogin with gold gilding. Rogin is a similar alloy to shibuichi, but with a broader range of silver content. Workmanship is excellent on this set. They are executed in a carving technique called katachibori, where the subject itself becomes the outline of the menuki. This is accomplished by hammering from the back, in a process like repousse', called uchidashi, and then worked with fine carving and engraving from the front to finish the motif. The menuki have both height and niku. There is significant sukashi, which distinguishes them as from the earliest period of Ezo-style works." (Long)

EZO Menuki
Provenance: Elliott Long
"An excellent set of Ezo menuki, each with a flora motif. Workmanship is excellent on this set as they are executed in a carving technique called katachibori, where the subject itself becomes the outline of the menuki. They are worked with fine carving and engraving from the front to finish the design. The menuki have both height and niku. The style of the blossoms is an older format, with smooth petals. There is very little sukashi, which distinguishes them being from the earliest period of Ezo-style works, as well as the more martial motif, which coincides with artistic resurgence and zen beliefs in the early Muromachi period." (Long)

EZO Menuki
Provenance: Elliott Long
"An excellent set of Ezo menuki, each with a shishi and flora motif. Workmanship is excellent on this set as they are executed in a carving technique called katachibori, where the subject itself becomes the outline of the menuki. This is accomplished by hammering from the back called uchidashi. Then they are worked with fine carving and engraving from the front to finish the design. The menuki have both height and niku. The style of the shishi is an older format, with billowy manes, and ridged backs. There is very little sukashi, which distinguishes them from the earliest period of Ezo-style works, as well as the more martial, animated motif, which coincides with artistic resurgence and zen beliefs in the early Muromachi period." (Long)

Tsuru Zu Menuki

Provenance: Elliott Long
Accompanied with NTHK Kantisho & Hakogaki by Amiya.
Edo period.

Provenance: Elliott Long
Accompanied with NBTHK Hozon.
Edo period.

Provenance: Elliott Long
Accompanied with Hakogaki (unknown Author)
4th generation Shidai YASUCHIKA menuki dating to the middle of the Edo period.

Provenance: Elliott Long
Accompanied with Sato Kanzan Hakogaki and NBTHK Tokubetsu Kicho (1972) paper.
DaiSho Ko-Goto Menuki.
Early Muromachi period, ca. 1500.

Provenance: Robert E. Haynes

Katsushirome plate menuki from the same mold.
Early Muromachi period.
3.4cm x 1.3cm x 0.4cm.

Provenance: Elliott D. Long
A stylized chrysanthemum pattern derived from the Imperial crest.
Edo period.

Read about GOTO Honke, and GOTO RYU.

In English, there is an article by Alexander G. Mosle in the 'Transactions of the Japan Society of London', Vol. VIII, pg. 188, titled "The Sword Ornaments of the GOTOSHIROBEI FAMILY." Though this article is the prime source in this language, it has not given biographical detail nor has he gone into the details of technique by which the various masters could be discriminated from one another. Mr. Mosle used Kuwabara as his source and judge for obtaining information for this article and what it does say is trustworthy as far as it goes.


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