加賀後藤     這竜小柄         覚乗





           This is a shakudo kozuka of the Kaga Goto ryu attributed as being made by Kakujo (覚乗). It has Takabori with Kiniroe of a dragon and dokko on a fine nanako ground. The ura is Hukumikin. The box has an Hakogaki by Sato Kanzan sensei. According to Haines' index this Kakujo b. 1589, Kyoto, d. Apr. 22 1656, Kaga, was the grandchild of Goto Kojo and of Minamoto lineage. He was the founder of the Kanbei line and in 1625 became a 150 koku retainer of the Maeda daimyo of Kaga no Kuni.  According to Kasahara and Akimoto in 'Studies in Kyo Goto' Kakujo Mitsunobu was the second head of the Kanbei family inheriting his position from his father Chojo Mitsuyoshi in 1616.  Kakujo and Kenjo alternated years of working in Kanazawa.





                                                                                                         A  GOTO SEKIJO KOZUKA




          This is a kozuka made by Goto Sekijo  石 (1609-1660) whose given name was Sonjuro. Later he took the name Yoshibei Mitsuyoshi. He became the hereditary 3rd head of the Goto Kihei family upon the death of his father Takujo Mitsumune. He lived in Kyoto. This one has a design of a crysanthemum wound around a bamboo staff. One characteristic of Goto work is the fine nanakoji. These two kozuka illustrate this.




                                                                                                       A KO-GOTO PAIR OF MENUKI






            The attribution of Ko-Goto means that these menuki are made by one of the mainline masters (Shirobei Goto) from within the first five generations of the line.



                                                                                                                      WAKI GOTO MENUKI






              This set of menuki have been attributed to one of the side branches of the Goto school, but, not to which specific artist. On the origami is the designation Waki Goto using the kanji 傍後藤.


                                                                                               MENUKI by GOTO JUNJO






            These menuki of dragons are signed  Goto Junjo w/kao on the tanzaku.  Junjo Mitsuaki , Goto Junjo 後藤 (1636-1700) was the first head of the Goto Gonbei family and lived in Edo. The son of Seijo Mitsunaga he was  named Gonbei. Noted for kinmei and tanzakumei.


                                                                                                  MENUKI by GOTO ZENJO







                These menuki are of a gunbai and saihai and were made by Zenjo Mitsutomo,  Goto Zenjo 後藤全乗 the third master of the Rihei Goto line. He was born in 1720 and died Oct 25 1797. He lived in Edo and was the son of  Ranjo Mitsumasu. Noted for his fine work.



                                                                     A GOTO SENJO KOZUKA






             This kozuka has definitely seen better days, but, is still representative of Senjo Mitsukiyo, Goto Senjo's  後藤 work.  Goto Senjo (1624-1692) was the fourth son of Goto Kenjo (7th head of the Shirobei line) and brother of Goto Teijo who became the 9th head.  Senjo lived in Kyoto and was named Torouemon. He started his own branch, the Goto Torouemon family. His work was popular, but, the line was shortlived since his only surviving son Mitsuo bcame the 11th head of the Shirobei line . When the signature is found on the edge like on this kozuka it is referred to as kibata-mei, 際端銘.




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