
Momoyama to Edo period.

Basic Shape:

Round, oval, mokko, or otafuku-mokko.


The average is about 3.5 millimeters.


Kakumimi koniku, marumimi kakumi, seldom dote mimi. Also uchikaeshi and sukinokoshi.

Design Characteristics:

Openwork designs of wheel shape, pine tree, suhama shape, dragonfly or others. The edge of the perforations has been filed round, making them smooth. This is called men-o-toru. This will also be found in some other schools such as the work of Higo Province.

Plate Metal:

A well forged web of glossy brown-black color of delicate quality. Sometimes a yakite shitate surface appears. The surface hammering is very good.


The tsuba of the Yamakichibei school show influence of the Kanayama and Owari schools to a greater degree than could be attributed to the style of Nobuiye.

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