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From the middle of Kamakura age to the end of the Edo age.

Basic Shape:

Round, rounded oval, mokkogata, aoigata, and hachikakugata are the most common.


Undelineated and only distinguished by the contact marks left by the seppa while mounted and by the hitsu-ana, if encountered.


Possible added later in Edo period.


1.5mm to 3.0mm.


Kakumimi-koniku, marumimi, and uchikaeshi. They have a variety of raised rims, including beveled raised, rounded raised, and squared raised forms. The techniques used in producing these rims are the ones used by armorers in making helmets.

Design Characteristics:

Very simple 'kebori' (line engraving) is fairly common , it is usually the type called 'kosuki tagane' (wide channel). Sukashi of various types is very common and more carefree and generous. It employs more lyrical and narrative motifs. It takes up more of the area of the guard than in Ko-Tosho works.

Metal Surface:

The plate should be a very rich purplish-black, or a better quality than is found on tosho.


The most important feature to distinguish the Tosho from the Katchushi tsuba is their different method of folding the plate. The Tosho smith turned and hammered his bar of iron several times to achieve his plate. The Katchushi maker followed the same procedure, but after forging the plate the Katchushi would give his plate one or two additional folds. In the Katchushi tsuba it is possible to see the edges where this final weld joins. It will usually be visable on the web of the plate either near the edge or toward the center of the plate.

Early Muromachi period (ca. 1350)
Ex. Robert Haynes Collection
Originally mounted on Tachi
9.2cm x 9.3cm x 0.2cm (seppa)

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