
Edo period.

Design Characteristics:

Most followed the style and style of their teacher, Tohachi, the third Hayashi.
In design, treatment, and carving they followed their teacher closely. They used the same style of chrysanthemum shaped stamps along the side of the nakago ana as did Tohachi. In addition to the chrysanthemum shaped stamps this school is noted for the kakushi tagane, which are pocket shaped indentations around the nakago ana.


The first Kamiyoshi's tsuba will be misjudged as the work of Tohachi. The color of his plate is browner than that of the early masters. The second Kamiyoshi's work may be distinguished by the dark blackish color of the iron plate. The third Kamiyoshi (called Jinzaemon or Masayasu) is best known by Rakuju. He was the greatest artist of all the late Higo workers. His greatest talent was his ability at inlaying and the beautiful satin finish he produced on his tsuba.

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