
Mid Muromachi to end of Edo period.

Basic Shape:

Round and oval are the most common.


Their shape closely resembles the Kyo-sukashi school style, being very well proportioned.


At the center of the plate 3 millimeters to 4.5 millimeters.


Either round or nadekaku-gata (rounded-square shape).

Design Characteristics:

Plants, animals, human figures and picturesque designs are common. The style is naturalistic and, later, realistic. The later designs are large and bold, sometimes gaudy in effect. There is usually too much inlay, making a brilliant piece in bad taste.

Plate Metal:

Always iron, usually soft and not very good quality. Surface usually smooth, migaki-ji. The iron of the Heianjo-zogan tsuba is never as hard as that used in the Onin tsuba, although the early pieces will tend to be a little harder than the later ones.


Two styles of inlay are used, either raised or flat, sometimes they are combined on a single piece. In the later period silver, copper, and gold were added to the brass inlay.


The Heianjo-zogan tsuba was extremely popular for a long period of time. In its early stages it showed good taste and feeling, but by the end of its production it was little better than shiiremono.

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