"A design of a phoenix, bamboo leaves, butterflies, and chrysanthemums in brass inlay on an iron base. Originally, Onin tsuba with a dot inlay of brass on iron plate developed into Heianjo tsuba with patterns and arabesques. At first it was a flat inlay but gradually developed into a tall crest. This tsuba has a maru-gata shape and is inlaid with phoenixes and bamboo on the front and butterflies and chrysanthemums on the back. The body of the phoenix on the front is fixed, the tail feathers and bamboo are expressed with flat inlays. The chrysanthemum flowers and butterflies on the back are slightly fleshy, and the surrounding water droplets are flat inlay. It is a more primitive feel than later tsubas which leads to a Muromachi period piece dating to ca. 1500." (Haynes & Long)
8.63cm x 8.48cm x 0.33-40cm |