"Mitsunaga Toyokawa II is a Japanese metal engraver who was active from the Meiji era to the Taisho era. Born on January 11, 4th year of Kaei, his maiden name is Saito. Known as Yukichi. The issues are Sai Mayanagi, Yamako Shirayama, and Yamato Yuzuru. Born as the third son of Kisaburo Saito, a samurai of the Matsudaira Yamato Mamoru family, he studied under Mitsunaga Toyokawa, the first sword fitting metalworker in the Yanagawa school, at the age of 15. Later adopted.
The first Mitsunaga Toyokawa was Taito as a Meiji goldsmith, and under the national policy of the Meiji government, he was engaged in showing Japanese arts and crafts and technical capabilities to the world exposition together with imperial artists, and compromised with outstanding technology. We have created a wide variety of works with our unprecedented modeling power.
When the second generation was adopted by the first generation, he was active as a metal engraver in earnest, and as with the first generation, his achievements were high and he served as a writer who played a central role in the metalworking world during the Meiji and Taisho eras. Judge of Japan Art Association. He died in the Great Kanto Earthquake on September 1, 1923.
This work is a fairly large tsuba, and on a high-quality shakudo polished ground that has been polished like a mirror, various autumn flowers are beautifully carved with a single-cut carving that is good at the second generation Mitsunaga, and it can be said to be his transcendental skill. The feat of is unfortunately demonstrated. Tsuba production is extremely rare among Mitsunaga's works, and the number of works is limited, so it seems that this product in very good condition is a very rare work.
Japan Art Swords Preservation Association Preserved Sword
Appraisal Report With a copy of the special valuable sword fittings appraisal
(* However, the above envelopes are pasted together by the former owner.)" (Long)
8.60cm x 8.20cm x 0.50cm |