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Provenance:   Robert E. Haynes;
            Elliott D. Long
"A very stylish 'shibuichi' plate in squared circular (Okaku Maru) shape. The carved and inlaid motif is about a traveler and his vassal in route to a sanctuary. Nagatsune studied painting under Ishida Yutei. The inlay is of gold, shakudo, copper and silver.

Mei: 'NAGATSUNE' H 06539.0. This mei is done in Sosho style which is rare for Nagatsune." (Haynes & Long)

5.60cm x 6.15cm x 0.30cm
Hakogake dated Showa 39 - 1964, June 6th. It is signed with a very rare signature used by Dr. Torigoye - 'SODO' (see inside lid, left below seal). Unknown reason for using this (Pre Edo) Kao. (Haynes)

How to Purchase this Tsuba:
please send Elliott and Robert an E-MAIL
( elliott@shibuiswords.com ).

A Collaboration of Robert E. Haynes and Elliott D. Long

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