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PROVENANCE:    Robert E. Haynes
                                            Elliott D. Long
Not For Sale
"Presented here is a fully signed iron plate tsuba with gold highlighted red oak leaf each face. Both hitsu-ana filled with shakudo. The rim is delicately carved." (Haynes & Long)

8.60cm x 8.60cm x 0.45cm


'September 1735 9th Mth. 'Lucky Day'

Dr. Torigoye Hakogaki dated Dec. 28, 1954.

How to Purchase this Tsuba

If you would like to know more about any items on this website, or if you are considering a purchase, please send Elliott and Robert an E-MAIL ( ), asking us any questions you have or what pieces interest you.

A Collaboration of Robert E. Haynes and Elliott D. Long

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