PROVENANCE: Elliott D. Long | Inquire using Email elliott@shibuiswords.com |
"Large thick iron plate of kawari shape with overlaid and inlaid brass, gold and silver in a heavy mixture of the metals as an abstract landscape of rare quality. The surface is well hammered. The hitsu-ana is of kozuka shape and in the style of the Shoami school. |
"A round iron plate displaying large hammer indentations in a symetrical pattern. The surface on both sides has the same overlaid and inlaid brass, silver and shakudo in a heavy mixture of the metals as an abstract representation. The rim has every type of iron bone in abundance and is well hammered, which gives an appearance of firmness. The hitsu-ana are original to the piece. A very old tsuba dating ca. 1550. There are vestiges of a signature which resemble 'HARUSADA'." (Long) |
"A thick iron plate in slight oval form that appears to have been cut down due to edge being filed. Has the same overlaid and inlaid brass, silver and shakudo in a heavy mixture of the metals as an abstract representation. The rim has a square edge, known as kaku mimi, which gives an appearance of firmness. There are two sukashi openings on the right side representing a kanji. The surface is well hammered and black lacquer is present. The kozuka-ana is referred to askatabari hangetsu-ana and the kogai-ana is suhama-ana. Both are original to the piece. A very old tsuba dating ca. 1500 or earlier." (Long) |
"A thick iron plate in octogon shape with overlaid and inlaid brass, gold, silver and shakudo in a heavy mixture of the metals as an abstract representation. The surface is well hammered. Hitsu-ana are present but may have been added at a later date." (Long) |
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