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"Signed: "BIZEN ju SURUGA SAKU". "This is said to be the second generation Suruga master. The plate gives you some feeling of the work of Hirata Hikozo, though I doubt there is any connection. Were this an unsigned tsuba, and without the kuchibeni (sekigane) we would not know who might have made it." (Haynes & Long)

6.70cm x 6.60cm x 0.40cm

Hakogaki by Dr. Torigoye, June 9, 1956. 2nd Class. Signed: KODO.

How to Purchase this Tsuba

If you would like to know more about any items on this website, or if you are considering a purchase, please send Elliott and Robert an E-MAIL ( elliott@shibuiswords.com ), asking us any questions you have or what pieces interest you.

A Collaboration of Robert E. Haynes and Elliott D. Long

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