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"Iron sukashi tsuba with design of chrysanthemum and kiri (paulownia). The horizontal lines represent water, perhaps with waves back to back. Mumei. A Proto-Akasaka tsuba dating to ca. 1500. Many iron bones appear in the rim which confirms the age before the Akasaka school began. Accompanied with NBTHK Hozon paper to Akasaka school (see below)." (Haynes & Long)

7.4cm x 7.2cm x 0.5cm

Image taken from Jim Gilbert's web site. Showing similar tsuba being attributed to Akasaka school by N.B.T.H.K. and Shoami school by N.T.H.K.

How to Purchase this Tsuba

If you would like to know more about any items on this website, or if you are considering a purchase, please send Elliott and Robert an E-MAIL ( ), asking us any questions you have or what pieces interest you.

A Collaboration of Robert E. Haynes and Elliott D. Long

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