It is not possible to talk about Samurai without talking about their
swords. During the ages they radically changed in form and in
Japans early history is highly affected by the influence of the continent
and its more ancient cultures. The culture of the Yayoi period was surely
strongly subject to the influence of Korea and thru this peninsula the most
important innovations arrived in Japan. Rice cultivation and iron tools and
related technology were introduced at the end of the Jomon era. Iron tools and
weapons helped the Japanese to enhance their living. In the first stage of its
development Japan imported iron tools and weaponry from the continent and
continental craftmen immigrated to Japan. Oldest metal swords on record in
Japan are the two that were sent as a present to queen Himiko from China during
Wei-dynasty in 240 A.D. In 280 A.D. many more iron swords were imported from
China to Japan. Soon after the Japanese begun to forge and manufacture their
own blades. We do know that in the 5th century steel swords were already made
in Japan. These were of the straight, single-edged type called Chokuto.
The method of hardening the steel that is so typical of Japanese swords was
first used in 6th century. Very ancient sources as the Kojiki and the Nihon
Shoki already quote swords as highly valuable weapons and objects of
worship. This is confirmed by the number of swords found in Kofun and
the high number of swords which belong to Shrines. It's debated how many
activities were visualized with the ancient polishing methods but is undeniable
that, in early times, the beauty of the Japanese sword was only caused by the
pursuit of its practical function as a weapon. Already in the VI century B.C.
we have the insurgence of a Japanese taste in fittings but the design of the
blades was still strongly influenced by the continent, being the fighting
tactics equally imported from China and mainly based on masses of footsoldiers
with spears and shields. There is an old saying regarding Japanese swords:
Orenai, Magarani, Yoku Kireru (shouldn't break, shouldn't bend and should cut
well). These are the most important qualities a sword must have but they are in
conflict with each other and Japanese swordmakers (Tosho) made great
efforts in searching for improvements of the Chinese specimens. When fighting
tactics changed due to the fight against Emishi for domain of the Kanto
plain, the advantages of a curved sword for horseback fighting became evident to
the Japanese, that already showed their attitude to practicality and
skillfullness in adopting foreign items, adapting and upgrading them to their
needs. As long as the original purpose of the sword is of a practical nature,
it is natural that changes of fighting style and cutting targets have
influenced the sword, especially in the shape. For this reason we can judge the
approximate age of the sword from the Sugata (Shape) as well as Jihada
and Hamon, which are strictly related to functionality. Is generally
agreed that the fully developed Japanese sword appearance was around the 940
A.C. period, in which we find the most ancient extant swords with all the
characteristics needed in the "ideal" japanese sword : single
edge, differentially hardened with strong curvature. Some of these ancient
blades show another peculiarity of the japanese sword : a softer
steel inner core wrapped by harder steel. It's debated if all such ancient
blades are made the same way, but at least some show that this technology was
already available and used in this period. As this “basic” shape has changed in
its key features many times and quiet deeply during the centuries, we need to
know the periods in which the history of the japanese sword is divided in.
Japanese swords are divided in periods as follows :
There is another term we usually find when talking about japanese swords :
Shinsakuto 新作刀.
This means "recently made swords" and refers to swords made by a
living smith, after 1952 when the 1945 ban of forging swords ended. It's
basically a sub-group of Gendaito, because if the smith passes away, for the
NBTHK (Nippon Bijutsu Token Hozon Kyokai) Shinsa (judgement), the sword becomes
Another thing we have to consider when fixing a date for a japanese sword is
the Eto. Eto originally is a Chinese calender invented in the ancient
period. It consists of ten ordinal signs and twelve zodiacal symbols and the
combination of both characters makes a cycle of sixty years, the Sexegenary cycle. In Japan the Eto was used
not only to count time by years but also to show time by hours (In this case
one day is divided into twelve fractions.) and direction. Dates based on Eto
can often be seen on the Nakago of the Japanese sword.
A third, very important thing to know about the japanese sword is the way the
schools were placed along the eight main roads of ancient japan. In Japan there
was a division of the local administration called Go Kinai Shichi Do. Go
Ki consists of the capital Kyo (Yamashiro) and four neighbouring provinces.
Shichi Do means the provinces along the seven main roads spreading throughout
the country. There are eight provinces in the Sanyo Do, eight provinces in the
San-in Do, six provinces in the Nankai Do, fifteen provinces in the Tokai Do,
thirteen provinces in the Tosan Do, seven provinces in the Hokuriku Do and nine provinces with two islands in the
Saikai Do. In Kantei (Attribution), it is very important to know the Go Kinai
Shichi Do as the smiths of the same region are to show the regional influence
in their work. Therefore the old administrative division is still used in
studying the Japanese sword.
(Nagayama Kokan, Token Kantei Dokuhon,
History of the Japanese sword in relation to Japanese historical periods
Era (794-1184)
When Kammu Tenno came to power, he moved the capital from Nara
to Kyoto. The whole era was characterized by the prevalent tendency
toward japanizing the Chinese influences that had come over the sea during the
previous centuries. The method of forging a sword with a softer inner core
wrapped into a harder steel one was developed during this period. The most
ancient swords with this feature belongs to the Ko-Bizen tradition and are
dated around 950 A.D. This is the time which is going to change to a Samurai
government ( Genji and Heike ) from an aristocrat government. After the war
happened in the middle stage of Heian Era, the battle style changed. That is,
they began to fight on horseback. There is an ancient legend that attribute
this revolution in sword making to Amakuni, traditionally believed to be
the maker of Kogarasumaru or ‘Little Crow’, the first curved NipponTo,
now in the Imperial Household Collection. According to this legend Amakuni was
the Emperor’s swordsmith. One day he saw his lord’s army returning from a
battle and the Emperor ignored him instead to give the usual cheers for the
good work made with the blades. Then he noticed that many soldiers had broken
swords. They where chokuto or straight swords. He was so disappointed with this
that he avoided eating food and drinking water for a week, studying a better way to
make swords. According to the legend Inari, the Kami of swordsmakers,
appeared in a dream to Amakuni, teaching him how to wrap a soft steel core in
a harder one, and how a curved edge is more suitable to cuts and more
resistant to shocks than the previous straight one. The day after Amakuni made
Kogarasu Maru, the ancestor of all NihonTo. Heian was the era of tachi. In this
period it became customary to sign the blades. The oldest signed blade is probably
one tachi forged by Sanjo Munechika. The oldest tachi with date as well
as the name of the smith engraved on the tang is from 1159 and was made by
Naminohira Yukimasa. The shape of a Japanese sword ( Tachi ) in this age the
Mihaba ( width ) near the Nakago is wider than that near Kissaki. Kissaki is small ( Ko-Kissaki
) and Sori ( curvature ) looks like it suddenly fell to the ridge side at
right above Nakago. But Sori near Monouchi is little. This shape is refined in
a sense. Hawatari (length ) is about 75/80cm. This size is fit to chop
the enemy on the ground while riding on Japanese horses. The horses in this age
were not like present ones but small and massive. Moreover, it fit to stab the
enemy on the ground because the curvature near the point is little and Nakago
(tang) is short compared with the rest of the blade. Hamon is Sugu,
During the Heian era two clans, the Minamoto (Genji) and the Taira
(Heike), grew in power and importance. The end of the era is marked by the
battle in Dan-No-Ura, where these two clans clashed together. We have to
remember another legend, still being debated, that in this battle was
lost the Ancestral Sword, Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi , part of the ‘Three
Jewels’ the most important treasure still in possession of His Imperial
Majesty. This ancestral sword was found into the tail of a dragon by the kami Susa no O no Mikoto, and was, together with the
mirror and the claw-like jewel, the symbol of the Imperial Power. Accordingly
to this legend it was substituted with another sword, the same we can see in
the Imperial Treasure today, other sources said the sword lost was a fake, and
the original one still remains in the Imperial Treasure.
Kamakura Era (1184-1333)
After defeating the Taira clan at Dan-No-Ura, Minamoto no Yorimoto moved
his shogunate to Kamakura. Emperor Gotoba, the formal ruler, remained in Kyoto.
This also marked the beginning of the rule of the samurai class. Kamakura
became the cultural capitol, and swordsmiths from all over the country gathered
there. These are the days of Masamune and his Jittetsu (ten
disciples). Today it is generally agreed that the best blades were made in this period
and, for quality and beauty, still remain at the top.
Kamakura swords can be divided into three sub-periods :
In this period, the Kamakura shogunate and court nobles in Kyoto
scrambled for political power. And internal trouble broken out in the Kamakura
shogunate. Therefore, demand of swords increased all over the country. This
period is a transitional period from the refined shape in the last stage of
Heian Era to the mighty shape in next period. Sori ( curvature ) does not look
like suddenly fall to the ridge side at right above Nakago and the center of
Sori moved upper in comparison with the previous period. This type of Sori is
called Koshi-zori. It means the sword curved at waist of a blade. The
width near Kissaki (Monouchi) is not so different from that of near
Nakago (Habakimoto), and Kissaki became little bigger. A standard length
of this period is about 79cm. Hamon in this period is based on Sugu-ha,
straight. The swords until this period are made in Ko-Nie. Swords made
in Nioi did not exist yet.
After the war happened in 1232, Hojo family held real power and Kamakura
shogunate reinforced their authority. Kamakura became the center of Samurai
culture and the demand for swords increased. Kamakura shogunate called in some
swordsmiths who have superior skill from Kyoto and Okayama. They moved with
family and Kamakura became the center place of the production of swords. The
shapes in this period did not remain copies of the older period but changed to
be more mighty. The width became greater, but there is no difference
between the width near the Kissaki and near Nakago. Thickness also became
greater. Moreover, Kissaki became to be Ikubi and the edge came to be Hamaguri-ba
because the edge became thicker. Hamaguri means a clam, and we call it this
because the cross section of the blade looks like a clamshell. Sori is Koshi-zori
and the center of Sori moved more upper and Nakago became to be a little longer
than that of former period. About Hamon, the brilliant patterns became to be
conspicuous. Especially Fukuoka-Ichimonji school in Bizen ( Okayama prefecture
) made the so-called Obusa-Choji or Juka-Choji and they became popular.
Obusa means the shape of the head of Hamon ( round part of Hamon ) looks like a
big bunch of Choji and Juka means Choji overlapped each other. And a lot of
Tanto became to be made from this period. The characteristic is Hira-zukuri and
they curved toward the edge. That is, the blade curved contrary to the normal .
We call this curvature Uchi-zori or Takenoko-zori. But originally
the blade were straight, and the thin edge were polished again and again, then
the width of the edge decreased. Therefore it looks as if it curved the reverse
way. Hawatari is about 25cm.
The Mongolian invasions attempt of 1274 and 1281 greatly influenced the
Japanese sword. Until this period the method of battle in Japan was based on
single duels, with rituals as exchanging names and genealogies each other
before fight with no organized formations and tactics. On the contrary
Mongolians attacked suddenly in organized formations following tactics.
Moreover, their armor were tough and they used weapons which Japanese have
never seen before as gunpowder hand-grenades and rockets. Their armors were
light and they could move fast. After that the Japanese armors became to be
lighter and sword's shape changed to make them able to chop the light armor
without being entrapped and then broken in them. The former blade was
Hamaguri-ba. When you chop a hard thing, Hamaguri-ba is suitable, but the
armors began to be light and thin in this period. So the blade in this period
became to be thin compared with the one of former period. And Kissaki became to
be Chu-Kissaki (medium length). That is, Kissaki got longer because when
Ikubi-Kissaki was damaged, no room for restoration was available. When you stab
the enemy, Chu-Kissaki is suitable. Ikubi-Kissaki was wider then Chu-Kissaki. Mihaba
( width ) becomes to be narrow. This shape looks like the refined one of the
first stage of Kamakura, but Kissaki in this period is bigger and the center of
Sori moved up. In this way, if the edge became too thin, strength of the
blade decreased. Therefore, you have to make Mihaba wide and if Mihaba become
wide, Kissaki became bigger. The peak like this change is Odanbira in the
next Northern and Southern Dynasties. The Mongolian Invasions influenced Hamon,
too. Obusa-Choji and Juka-Choji was giving way to Choji-ha based on Sugu-ha or
Kataochi-gunome, because the blade with very wide Ha is easy to break.
Swordsmiths realized it from experience. Ha is harder than the other parts. If
the harder part is the majority of the blade, the blade is easy to break because
the blade can not absorb the shock. And the top of Hi (grooves)
invariably stop lower. This is made to leave room for repair when Kissaki is
damaged. In this period, Tanto increased in number and there is characteristic
shape. That is, Nakago is curved. This Tanto is called "Mete-zashi ".
Samurai put on this Tanto when they wore armor and they put it on the
right-side of their waist, handle facing right to be easy unsheathed when armor
were in contact with each other, as in grappling, close combat is expected.
This Mete-zashi is to stab enemy through a crevice of armor, so Mihaba is narrow.
Nambokucho Era (1334-1393)
Emperor Godaigo in 1334 started a rebellion to overthrew the
shogunate in the attempt of restore the power of the imperial court and gained
the control of the country. But after only two years Ashikaga Takauji
raised his own Emperor (Komyo) to power. The power split in two courts :
Godaigo held court in Yoshino and Komyo built his government in Kyoto. The
north (Nan) and south (Hoku) courts fought for nearly 60 years giving the name
to this period : ‘the Courts of the South and of the North’. Years of
continuous war rised the needs for swords and changed the shape of the blades.
The method of battle changed to a battle between group and group. The battle
formation became that foot soldiers surround a leader riding on a horse. As the
footsoldier raised in importance once again, a very long sword, more suitable
for this new horseback fighting style was created. This long Tachi was for
driving away enemy, so the length was from 85cm to over 1m was made. Some of
these Odachi or Nodachi or Odanbira arrived to a length of
120-150 cm. The longer ones were used by footsoldiers to cut horses legs and
open gaps into enemy spearmen lines. Mihaba of these Tachi were wide, so the
Kasane were thin to lighten the weight. A thin Kasane is the characteristic in
this period. Therefore, when looking at Nanbokucho Tachi to understand it is of
actual period, you need check Kasane. If Kasane of the blade is thick, doubts
about authenticity arise. As Mihaba is wide, the Kissaki become to be greater
as a logical consequence. This is called O-Kissaki. This type of sword was too
long to wear it , so usually the Samurai on horse give his Odachi to a follower
for carrying and he grasp and draw it when needed. Therefore, if the follower
is killed or driven away, the Tachi becomes to be useless. This is the reason
because of a smaller Tachi (Kodachi) was carried hanging from the obi of
the armor. This need was another reason for the rise of the Uchigatana
that became to be made in this period. The length is about 70 cm and it was
used together with the longer Tachi. All blades followed the fashion to be
gigantic as Tachi were. Tanto in this period have peculiar characteristic. The
length is about 35cm and they were made by Hira-zukuri. Mihaba is wide
and Kasane is thin. They curved at middle of the blade. They are called Sunnobi
Tanto and they remains Tanto even if legally, for their length they should
be called Wakizashi. Naginata and Yari begun longer as well to fight against
this longer Tachi. Fighting on a horse became to be disadvantageous. These too
big blades all disappeared in a short period, soon after the end of the period.
In effect the matter was formally resolved in a compromise, but Ashikaga and
the north court were the factual winners. Someone suggests that some schools
related to the Southern Court went extinct because of the defeat (the Hosho
school founded by Sadamune son of Masamune). No strong evidences
are given, anyway. Hamon in this period is Notare or Hitatsura
etc. Due to their geometry the swords in this period were generally belived to
have the most sharp blades ever. This is one reason because of in Edo period a
lot of these long Tachi were shortened to fit size when put them on the waist
(and to fulfil the Shogun edicts about swords length). The same happend to Nagamaki,
Naginata and sometimes even to Omiyari, the long-bladed Yari.
After the dynastic war a short period of peace followed. But the Ashikaga
Shogun was “de facto” powerless, and the true power was held by the Daimyo.
This very dangerous situation unavoidably left room for troubles. The battle
for the true power began in 1467 with the so-called Onin-war That started the
Sengoku-jidai - 'the age the country at war'. The whole country was in a
constant state of war for almost a hundred years, until Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi
Hideyoshi, and finally Tokugawa Ieyasu managed to gain the power,
and pacify the country. In Muromachi Era samurai gradually began to use
Uchigatana instead of Tachi. They still used Tachi in this stage and the shapes
looks like the first stage of Kamakura Era, that is, Mihaba is narrow and
Kissaki is small. But Sori (curvature) is different. In Kamakura Era, the
center of Sori is near Nakago or little upper, but the center of Sori in Muromachi
Era moved ahead. Curved around Monouchi, the last part of the blade
toward the point, is a characteristic often found of sword in Muromachi Era.
This curvature is called Sakizori. This is a transitional period from
Tachi to Katana, so starting from now it is hard to distinguish between the two
types. Sword smith made both, and often the shape is not enough to make the
difference. The only way to distinguish in between is to watch at the Mei,
the swordsmith’s signature. The Mei must face out from the body when worn.
Tachi were worn edge down and Uchigatana edge up. So the position of the Mei on
the tang tells us which type of blade it is. If no signature is present, the
difference is often merely in the mounting type. The swords of this era can be
divided to three groups:
As the armies grew, the mounted soldiers became ever rarer, and the main
force of armies consisted of foot soldiers. Even if many Tachi were still made,
the time of the Katana was already dawning. Shorter blades were easier to carry
and faster to draw. The centre of curvature of the blade moved to the center as
the blades were increasingly designed for a fast draw and to be used on foot.
Most swords were 69,7-72,7 cm in length and narrowed towards the point.
As the mobility of troops became strategically more important, the swords
got even shorter. Most swords manufactured in this period were 60-65 cm long
and had the same width all the length of the blade. Such blades were suitable
for chopping with one hand and for quick-draw. These Katana are referred to as Katate-uchi.
Katate means one hand. There is no difference of width between Monouchi
and Habakimoto and the shape has a strong appearance. Nakago became to
be short to be suitable for one-hand grip. The Katana is replacing the Tachi.
The ever-increasing need for swords also meant that not all swords were
manufactured to the same high standards as before. The term Kazuuchimono
or Taba-gatana was used to denote the mass-produced swords from the
quality swords. Kazu-uchi means mass-produced and Taba-gatana means they were
sold in a bundle as such swords were sold this way inside Japan and exported to
Ming-dynasty China in their ten of thousand… These swords are disliked by
collectors due to their low quality, but this doesn’t mean at all they weren’t
very effective. Wakizashi also became to be made and the length are about 40cm.
They were made in Hira-zukuri and have no Sori. Shinto deities and
Buddhas or Sanskrit characters engraved on the blade. These engravings are
called Horimono. This type of Wakizashi is characteristic of in this
period. A particular type of Tanto, called Yoroi-doshi (armor-piercing
began to be made. Yoroi-doshi is to stab enemy through a crevice of armor and
the cross-section triangular. Very thick but not broad, with a very strong
Kissaki, not very long.
In the 12th year of Tenmon, a.D. 1543, the face of warfare in Japan was
changed forever. This year the Portuguese first introduced firearms to Japan
,named Tanegashima Teppo from the isle in the southern Kyushu where the
first portugueses casually landed. Japanese Daimyo immediately realized the
potential of such a weapon, and soon Japan begun the country with the higher
number of arquebuses all around the world. A Teppo is very effective and needs
much less training in front of a Yumi the Japanese bow. Even if the
early guns were not accurate and it took a long time to reload, Oda Nobunaga
used them very effectively in the battle of Nagashino in 1573. The
mounted troops of the Takeda clan - considered to be the finest in the
country and invincible - were heavly beated by men that were simples Ashigaru,
but trained to use gunlocks. The mounted troops were powerless. The battlefield
belonged to tight formations of footsoldiers, armed with guns. Some armour
became heavy and thick to protect from bullets. In the meantime the swords
became longer, heavier and more robust, lacking in elegance. After the death of
Oda Nobunaga, the country was unified under Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and
Sengokujidai started his last run.
Into the late Muromachi we find the artistic revolution of the Momoyama
Era, when the Katana finally replaced the Tachi as main sword of the Samurai.
The difference between a Tachi and a Katana is, to make an incredibly difficult
thing the easiest possible, the position of the Mei (signature). The
signature must be on the part of the blade that faces outside. So as Tachi is
worn edge-down and Katana is worn edge-up, the signatures are placed in
opposite positions. In absence of a signature the mounting is often the only
difference between the two types of swords. Obviously this change was more a
slow evolution rather then a sudden revolution. So we have a lot of blades that
are "in between" that can't be easily put in a specific category. The
wearing of DaiSho (Daito/Shoto,long/short sword, meaning Katana
and Wakizashi) begun in this period. Basically a backup blade was always
carried by Samurai, but the fashion of having a matched pair of mountings for
main and backup sword started here. This is a very crucial change in the
japanese sword history and, as already said, is the result of an evolution. To
explain the (slow) switching from the ancient fashion to the new one we've to
deal with the meaning of the term Wakizashi. It's made by two words
"Waki" (side, secondary) and "Zashi" (from Sasu, "to
insert"). In the sword context it means "to insert between the
Obi", i.e. a sword to be worn inserted between the Obi. Tachi
requires another verb, "Haku", to wear "hanging" from the
waist. Backup swords were carried by Samurai from the very beginning of their
history, and they were usually inserted "between the Obi". So
Wakizashi in ancient times referred to any sword that was secondary to the
Tachi and worn inserted in the Obi with no reference to its lenght. In Koto
times back-up blades spread from Yoroi-Doshi (armor piercing daggers), Chiisagatana
(shorther then Katana) and Koshigatana, all always worn inserted in the
Obi but the Koshigatana, that a few times was worn hanging from Obi. The
length, in these times, wasn't an issue to qualify a blade as
"Wakizashi" and the term "Daisho" in the meaning of
"Daito and Shoto" (pair of long and short swords) wasn't in use yet.
There is a document quoting that Oda Nobunaga wore (with the kanji used
for the meaning "inserted between obi") a set of DaiSho. So is safe
to say that was between Tenbun and Eiroku (1532 - 1569) that this fashion was
adopted by Samurai, most likely having already been adopted by lower ranks
troops sometime earlier. During the Momoyama were fixed the first
official criteria to differentiate types of swords according to their lenght
creating the categories we find later on, Katana, Wakizashi, Tanto
and imposing who were allowed to wear what type of sword, but these
regulamentations weren't really fully applied. The strict regulamentation was,
anyway, only a matter of time.
In Shoho 2, (1645 a.C.) "The Order Regarding Dai-Sho Katana and Hair
Style" fixed the maximum length of Katana to be 2 shaku and 8 to 9 sun
(84.84 cm - 87.87 cm), and Wakizashi to be 1 shaku and 8 to 9 sun (54.54 cm -
57.57 cm). In Kanbun 8 (a.d 1668) the Tokugawa Shogunate issued the famous Muto
Rei, (No Sword Order), a law that firmly prohibit the commoner class
carrying/wearing any swords longer than "Ko-Wakizashi" (i.e., small
wakizashi) unless specifically permitted by the government. According Muto Rei,
"Ko-Wakizashi" is defined as a sword with blade length shorter than 1
shaku and 5 sun (45.54cm).
Others edicts followed to fix blade lenghts for high-ranking Samurai and
Hatamoto when on duty in Edo and in the mid-Edo period we can find what is
generally accepted as the today's standard lenghts for japanese swords
blades :
Blade lengths are always measured in a straight line between the Munemachi
and the Kissaki.
Since the official adoption of the metric system in 1891, the traditional
length units of "shaku," "sun" and "bu" are no
longer used. The legal designations of Tanto, Wakizashi, and Katana by their
length under today’s Japanese laws are as follows :
This legal classification sometimes doesn't match with the academic one
that is more complex, implying the way in which the blade was originally
intended to be worn (Tachi or Katana) and its purpose. Academically speaking a Sunnobi-Tanto,
is so-called because it is always a little longer then one Shaku (30.3 cm) and
is these days legally speaking a Wakizashi. (Takeuchi, Alexander)
Here starts the Shinto time. Shinto means "new swords" and
entered the common use in Meiji time. It refers to swords made with new
materials and new methods, both enhanced by a better technology. This is true
especially for the process of extracting steel from ore, that now gives a much
better starting material for smithing. More, in order to fulfil the huge demand
for blades that lasted for 100years, swordsmiths mass-produced swords and
during about this 100 years, most of them did not use inherited method from
ancestors. Therefore, inherited methods from Koto time largely begun extinct.
The increased transportation facilities made them able to travel and settle
wherever they wanted and begun to live in castle towns or big cities. Due to
this ability to travel and learn and because of the loss of most of the
knowledge of Koto times for the already mentioned period of mass-producing,
they started to mix the old styles and the old classification in five schools
was no more. Therefore, individual characteristics appeared much more
pronounced than before Tamahagane was mass-produced in this period, becaming
more uniform and of better quality, with less impurity. So even local
characteristic of materials are, from now on, no more of help for determining
the provenience of a blade. An easy-to-find (but not definitive neither exclusive)
difference between between Koto and Shinto is the Boshi shape. Koto time Boshi
was Midare-ba matching the Midare-ba Hamon, whether in Shinto time became to be
Sugu-ha thought Hamon on the blade was Midare-ba.
Edo period is divided in five sword periods, the last two being the ShinShinto
Keigen-Shinto period (1596 - 1623)
Keigen is a name of an era in Shinto time made by mixing the initial part
of the eras Keicho and Genna. Swords made during these eras, Keicho and Genna,
are called Keigen-Shinto. In this period a lot of Tachi made in the Nanbokucho
period were shortened to adjust the size at about 70cm in order to wear them in
the waist as requested by the new fighting style (and fashion). Mihaba near the
Kissaki and near Nakago is almost same size and Kissaki is O-Kissaki. This
shape became to be popular, but the difference between Nanbokucho blades and
Keigen-Shinto is Kasane. Kasane in now is thick. These shape will appear again
in the end of Edo Era The influence of the European culture increased with the
increasing of commercial exchanges. Goods where excanged between Europe and
Japan in this period and european iron was imported, too. The japanese name for
this iron is Nanban-Tetsu, "steel of the Southern Barbarians".
Smiths begun to proudly sign on the tang of their creatures "made with
NanbanTetsu" because european items were really fashinating japanese
people, but Kokan Nagayama quotes in his "Token Kantei Dokuhon" that
such a steel wasn't better then Tamahagane for making NihonTo due to the
impurities in it, especially phosporus. This foreign steel is brigter then the
japanese one and soon the fashion went out.
Kanbun-Shinto period (1658 -1683)
In this period the center of swordmaking were Edo and Osaka, and new style
of sword appeared. This sword has extremely little Sori. In 1683, Tokugawa
shogunate prescribed the maximum size of Katana and Wakizashi. Therefore,
swordsmiths commonly made long swords around 70cm. These two main centers of
swordmaking had different features reflecting the different nature of the
cities. Being Edo the center of the Military power, the Shogunate, swordsmiths
put emphasis on the sharpness and functionality of the blade, as expected by a
military point of view. Shape was functional and Hamon wide. The waves of the
Hamon lowered round the Monouchi, that’s the part used for cutting and the more
exposed to shocks. Lowering the hardened part means to leave more softer steel
there, allowing a better shocks-resistance. Kotetsu is the most famous
example of the edo production in this period. On the other hand, Osaka was the
business heart of the nation. Being the traders considered much lower then
Samurai in the actual cast system, we find much more Wakizashi made in this
school of swordmaking, being the traders forbidden to own a long sword.
Nonetheless this wealthy class begun to show their real status wearing
extremely well made koshirae and pretending top-quality swords. Sukehiro
is the most famous smith of the Osaka school in this period. As Kotetsu’s ones,
their blades are rated as Sai Jo O Wazamono, the top of the top in
cutting ability. Tests were made to fix such a classification, but this tests
weren’t performed with Koto blades, considered too valuable to risk them in Tameshigiri,
so this classification must be taken with a grain of salt. Most swords in this
period shows Yakidashi and from now on the hamon type called Toran-Ha
becomes in fashion.
Genroku-Shinto period (1684 -1763)
Genroku is belived to be a golden period for art and manufacturing. People
(including Samurai) fell into luxurious habits and begun corrupted. In this
time famous Yoshimune held the eighth shogunate and acted in order to
recover social conditions, especially of the Samurai that were highly indebted
toward the traders class. In 1719, Yoshimune ordered each Daimyo to make a
report stating the names of swordsmiths living in his territory. After this,
Yoshimune asked the Daimyo to select representative swordsmiths of their
territory and called them to Edo Castle, commanding them to make swords there. Yoshimune
choose three most excellent sword smith and allowed them to engrave Aoi-mon
(an emblem of Tokugawa family) on their works. Nothwithstanding Yoshimune's
efforts, the age became to be a sufferings time for swordsmiths due to the
decreasing martial spirit of the Samurai. In this time a good finance was
better then a good fighting ability. Therefore, the demand of swords dropped
sharply. The shape of a sword in this period was not as straight as in Kanbun,
but it returned curved and the width near Kissaki was smaller than near Nakago.
Swordsmiths in order to achieve orders begun to gave full play to their
technique on Hamon making hardened edges as drawings. Mount Fuji, Mums on water
and repeated fantasy designs can be found in Hamon of this period. Very
skilfully made but far to achieve the feel of more traditional ones.
From 1764 starts Shinshinto period. it's divided in two sub-periods.
The characteristic of swords in this period is that swordsmiths made
attempt to make swords using the methods of Koto time. The characteristic of
Shinshinto is it's wave of Hamon started from Machi like Koto contrary to the
vast majority of Shinto Hamon that started straight from Machi and then waved
). Boshi also waved if Hamon on the blade waved, maintaining a sort of matching
in styl all along the Hamon. These swords are shiner then the previous ones and
Jihada don't apperar clearly, giving a less eye-catching look.
First Half of Shinshinto (1764 - 1829)
As Sukehiro and Shinkai were highly praised by Kamada Natae in his book
wrote in this period swordsmiths begun to imitated their works making strong
shape and Hamon in Toran-Ha. Swords in this period imitated the Osaka style.
Then Masahide ( one of most famous sword smith in Shinshinto time )
advocated in his book that "we should made swords by the method of Koto
time." Whit this final target swordsmiths begun to create their own steels
trying to reach the quality of the ancient one. Combining materials which have
different quantity of carbon,a good Jihada will appear. Therefore, swordsmiths
used a lot of materials like old nails and the like to adjust the quantity of
carbon to be suitable for swordmaking.Even today this steel is called Oroshi-gane.
As already said an easy way to produce Tamahagane was available in Shinto time
and swordsmith could get good quality Tamahagane. Therefore, it seems that most
of them didn't make their own Oroshi-gane. But some swordsmiths like Kotetsu
or Hankei followed Masahide suggestions and reached a top-quality level
combining ancuient iron/steel with modern one. in effect Ko-Tetsu means
"ancient steel".
Latter half of Shinshinto (1830 - 1868)
Till to 1868 swords which more emphasized mighty shape were made in this
period. Mihaba is wide and the length is longer then the previous ones. They
look like the the Tachi in Nanbokucho. Sword smith tried to reproduce the sword
in Koto time as suggested by Masahide. But from 1868 important political
changes occurred and the production and quality of swords were highly affected
by them. Tokugawa shogunate finally fell, and emperor Meiji took the
power, began the time of modernization known as Meiji restoration.
In order to modernize the nation Meiji Tenno needed to delete the ancient
classes and establish more modern ones. The samurai were deprived of their old
privileges - including the right to carry the Daisho, that has been prerogative
of their class for almost 250 years. Nonetheless, Meiji Tenno can be considered
a Nihonto lover and he took many steps to preserve the ancient traditions in
this art. His actions were a mere necessity.
With no market for swords most smiths had to find some other source of
income leaving the production of blades. A lot of knowledge has been lost here,
as already happened before. While the growing militarism colonial wars once
again made swords necessary, most of these were mass-produced in factories and
so can't be considered NihonTo.The period from 1895 to 1925 was an harsh one
for the Japanese sword, and most of the tatara were lost, as well as
tradictions and schools. With a strong army at power and the nationalism
pushing ofr national proudness the Japan in the 1930’s saw a brief re-born of
traditional sword manufacturers, and the Yasukuni Jinja Tatara is surely
the best of this period. The best swords made in this period are from Yasukuni,
and the school produced some good smith. All of the "Yasukuni smiths"
have their name beginning with the "Yasu" Kanji.
A near-deadly blow came after the Japan's surrender, when the Americans
forbade the manufacturing of swords. About 400.000 historically and
artistically interesting swords ended up in the USA as war trophy, including
the favourite one of the Tokugawa Shogunate, the Honjo Masamune, kokuho
National treasure. Many works have been given back in a later time, but not
"Honjo". It's still missing together with other top-quality ones.
Countless (assumed to be more then 1.000.000) were destroyed, including perhaps
very fine blades of ancient time. The art of the Japanese sword was on the
brink of becoming extinct.
From 1946 to 1953 only sixty swords were smithed for the great ceremony of
the renewal of Ise Shrine, a ceremonial that dated more then 1000 years. Allied
forces granted permission for smithing such blades, but they were requested, by
the ceremonial, to be of the ancient type "Jokoto", not curved ones.
In 1953 the ban was retired and the japanese sword begun to be produced as an
art object, in a different and better way then made in the post-Meiji time.
Still maintaining their full and legendary functionality they increased their
spiritual and artistical meaning, being no more an effective weapon.
The following layout shows the main (NOT all) Sugata (shape) changes
of the japanese sword with period and lenght (in shaku, 1 shaku = 30.3022 cm or
11.93 inches) from right to left, first line first. These are the most common ones. When
you're reading about a Samurai fighting in the late Kamakura, most likely his
sword had the shape you'll find hereunder.
01) Kanzan, Sato - "The Japanese Sword"
02) Kokan, Nagayama - "Token Kantei Dokuhon"
03) Tokuno, Kazuo - "Toko Taikan"
04) IIda, Kazuo - "Shin NihonTo Kantei Nyumon"
05) Yumoto, John M. - "The Samurai Sword"
06) Souemon + Kiyoshige - "NihonTo Koza" vol. I,II,III,IV and V
07) Irvine, Gregory - "The Japanese Sword"
08) Fujishiro, Matsuo - Nihon Toko Jiten vol. I and II
09) Robert Cole - " "
10) Tokyo National Museum Catalogue "Masterpieces of Japanese
Art" 1990
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